# vi:filetype= use lib 'lib'; use Test::Nginx::Socket; plan tests => 2 * blocks(); #$Test::Nginx::LWP::LogLevel = 'debug'; run_tests(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: sanity --- config location /echo { echo_before_body hello; echo world; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body hello world === TEST 2: echo before proxy --- config location /echo { echo_before_body hello; proxy_pass $scheme://$server_port$request_uri/more; } location /echo/more { echo world; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body hello world === TEST 3: with variables --- config location /echo { echo_before_body $request_method; echo world; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body GET world === TEST 4: w/o args --- config location /echo { echo_before_body; echo world; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body eval "\nworld\n" === TEST 5: order is not important --- config location /reversed { echo world; echo_before_body hello; } --- request GET /reversed --- response_body hello world === TEST 6: multiple echo_before_body instances --- config location /echo { echo_before_body hello; echo_before_body world; echo !; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body hello world ! === TEST 7: multiple echo_before_body instances with multiple echo cmds --- config location /echo { echo_before_body hello; echo_before_body world; echo i; echo say; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body hello world i say === TEST 8: with $echo_response_status --- config location /status { echo_before_body "status: $echo_response_status"; return 404; } --- request GET /status --- response_body_like status: 404 .*404 Not Found.*$ --- error_code: 404 === TEST 9: $echo_response_status in echo_before_body in subrequests --- config location /main { echo_location '/status?val=403'; echo_location '/status?val=500'; } location /status { if ($arg_val = 500) { echo_before_body "status: $echo_response_status"; return 500; break; } if ($arg_val = 403) { echo_before_body "status: $echo_response_status"; return 403; break; } return 200; } --- request GET /main --- response_body_like ^status: 403.*?status: 500.*$ === TEST 10: echo -n --- config location /echo { echo_before_body -n hello; echo_before_body -n world; echo ==; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body helloworld== === TEST 11: echo a -n --- config location /echo { echo_before_body a -n hello; echo_before_body b -n world; echo ==; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body a -n hello b -n world == === TEST 12: -n in a var --- config location /echo { set $opt -n; echo_before_body $opt hello; echo_before_body $opt world; echo ==; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body -n hello -n world == === TEST 13: -n only --- config location /echo { echo_before_body -n; echo_before_body -n; echo ==; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body == === TEST 14: -n with an empty string --- config location /echo { echo_before_body -n ""; set $empty ""; echo_before_body -n $empty; echo ==; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body == === TEST 15: -- -n --- config location /echo { echo_before_body -- -n hello; echo_before_body -- -n world; echo ==; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body -n hello -n world == === TEST 16: -n -n --- config location /echo { echo_before_body -n -n hello; echo_before_body -n -n world; echo ==; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body helloworld== === TEST 17: -n -- -n --- config location /echo { echo_before_body -n -- -n hello; echo_before_body -n -- -n world; echo ==; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body -n hello-n world==