/* ** C type management. ** Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h */ #include "lj_obj.h" #if LJ_HASFFI #include "lj_gc.h" #include "lj_err.h" #include "lj_str.h" #include "lj_tab.h" #include "lj_strfmt.h" #include "lj_ctype.h" #include "lj_ccallback.h" #include "lj_buf.h" /* -- C type definitions -------------------------------------------------- */ /* Predefined typedefs. */ #define CTTDDEF(_) \ /* Vararg handling. */ \ _("va_list", P_VOID) \ _("__builtin_va_list", P_VOID) \ _("__gnuc_va_list", P_VOID) \ /* From stddef.h. */ \ _("ptrdiff_t", INT_PSZ) \ _("size_t", UINT_PSZ) \ _("wchar_t", WCHAR) \ /* Subset of stdint.h. */ \ _("int8_t", INT8) \ _("int16_t", INT16) \ _("int32_t", INT32) \ _("int64_t", INT64) \ _("uint8_t", UINT8) \ _("uint16_t", UINT16) \ _("uint32_t", UINT32) \ _("uint64_t", UINT64) \ _("intptr_t", INT_PSZ) \ _("uintptr_t", UINT_PSZ) \ /* From POSIX. */ \ _("ssize_t", INT_PSZ) \ /* End of typedef list. */ /* Keywords (only the ones we actually care for). */ #define CTKWDEF(_) \ /* Type specifiers. */ \ _("void", -1, CTOK_VOID) \ _("_Bool", 0, CTOK_BOOL) \ _("bool", 1, CTOK_BOOL) \ _("char", 1, CTOK_CHAR) \ _("int", 4, CTOK_INT) \ _("__int8", 1, CTOK_INT) \ _("__int16", 2, CTOK_INT) \ _("__int32", 4, CTOK_INT) \ _("__int64", 8, CTOK_INT) \ _("float", 4, CTOK_FP) \ _("double", 8, CTOK_FP) \ _("long", 0, CTOK_LONG) \ _("short", 0, CTOK_SHORT) \ _("_Complex", 0, CTOK_COMPLEX) \ _("complex", 0, CTOK_COMPLEX) \ _("__complex", 0, CTOK_COMPLEX) \ _("__complex__", 0, CTOK_COMPLEX) \ _("signed", 0, CTOK_SIGNED) \ _("__signed", 0, CTOK_SIGNED) \ _("__signed__", 0, CTOK_SIGNED) \ _("unsigned", 0, CTOK_UNSIGNED) \ /* Type qualifiers. */ \ _("const", 0, CTOK_CONST) \ _("__const", 0, CTOK_CONST) \ _("__const__", 0, CTOK_CONST) \ _("volatile", 0, CTOK_VOLATILE) \ _("__volatile", 0, CTOK_VOLATILE) \ _("__volatile__", 0, CTOK_VOLATILE) \ _("restrict", 0, CTOK_RESTRICT) \ _("__restrict", 0, CTOK_RESTRICT) \ _("__restrict__", 0, CTOK_RESTRICT) \ _("inline", 0, CTOK_INLINE) \ _("__inline", 0, CTOK_INLINE) \ _("__inline__", 0, CTOK_INLINE) \ /* Storage class specifiers. */ \ _("typedef", 0, CTOK_TYPEDEF) \ _("extern", 0, CTOK_EXTERN) \ _("static", 0, CTOK_STATIC) \ _("auto", 0, CTOK_AUTO) \ _("register", 0, CTOK_REGISTER) \ /* GCC Attributes. */ \ _("__extension__", 0, CTOK_EXTENSION) \ _("__attribute", 0, CTOK_ATTRIBUTE) \ _("__attribute__", 0, CTOK_ATTRIBUTE) \ _("asm", 0, CTOK_ASM) \ _("__asm", 0, CTOK_ASM) \ _("__asm__", 0, CTOK_ASM) \ /* MSVC Attributes. */ \ _("__declspec", 0, CTOK_DECLSPEC) \ _("__cdecl", CTCC_CDECL, CTOK_CCDECL) \ _("__thiscall", CTCC_THISCALL, CTOK_CCDECL) \ _("__fastcall", CTCC_FASTCALL, CTOK_CCDECL) \ _("__stdcall", CTCC_STDCALL, CTOK_CCDECL) \ _("__ptr32", 4, CTOK_PTRSZ) \ _("__ptr64", 8, CTOK_PTRSZ) \ /* Other type specifiers. */ \ _("struct", 0, CTOK_STRUCT) \ _("union", 0, CTOK_UNION) \ _("enum", 0, CTOK_ENUM) \ /* Operators. */ \ _("sizeof", 0, CTOK_SIZEOF) \ _("__alignof", 0, CTOK_ALIGNOF) \ _("__alignof__", 0, CTOK_ALIGNOF) \ /* End of keyword list. */ /* Type info for predefined types. Size merged in. */ static CTInfo lj_ctype_typeinfo[] = { #define CTTYINFODEF(id, sz, ct, info) CTINFO((ct),(((sz)&0x3fu)<<10)+(info)), #define CTTDINFODEF(name, id) CTINFO(CT_TYPEDEF, CTID_##id), #define CTKWINFODEF(name, sz, kw) CTINFO(CT_KW,(((sz)&0x3fu)<<10)+(kw)), CTTYDEF(CTTYINFODEF) CTTDDEF(CTTDINFODEF) CTKWDEF(CTKWINFODEF) #undef CTTYINFODEF #undef CTTDINFODEF #undef CTKWINFODEF 0 }; /* Predefined type names collected in a single string. */ static const char * const lj_ctype_typenames = #define CTTDNAMEDEF(name, id) name "\0" #define CTKWNAMEDEF(name, sz, cds) name "\0" CTTDDEF(CTTDNAMEDEF) CTKWDEF(CTKWNAMEDEF) #undef CTTDNAMEDEF #undef CTKWNAMEDEF ; #define CTTYPEINFO_NUM (sizeof(lj_ctype_typeinfo)/sizeof(CTInfo)-1) #ifdef LUAJIT_CTYPE_CHECK_ANCHOR #define CTTYPETAB_MIN CTTYPEINFO_NUM #else #define CTTYPETAB_MIN 128 #endif /* -- C type interning ---------------------------------------------------- */ #define ct_hashtype(info, size) (hashrot(info, size) & CTHASH_MASK) #define ct_hashname(name) \ (hashrot(u32ptr(name), u32ptr(name) + HASH_BIAS) & CTHASH_MASK) /* Create new type element. */ CTypeID lj_ctype_new(CTState *cts, CType **ctp) { CTypeID id = cts->top; CType *ct; lua_assert(cts->L); if (LJ_UNLIKELY(id >= cts->sizetab)) { if (id >= CTID_MAX) lj_err_msg(cts->L, LJ_ERR_TABOV); #ifdef LUAJIT_CTYPE_CHECK_ANCHOR ct = lj_mem_newvec(cts->L, id+1, CType); memcpy(ct, cts->tab, id*sizeof(CType)); memset(cts->tab, 0, id*sizeof(CType)); lj_mem_freevec(cts->g, cts->tab, cts->sizetab, CType); cts->tab = ct; cts->sizetab = id+1; #else lj_mem_growvec(cts->L, cts->tab, cts->sizetab, CTID_MAX, CType); #endif } cts->top = id+1; *ctp = ct = &cts->tab[id]; ct->info = 0; ct->size = 0; ct->sib = 0; ct->next = 0; setgcrefnull(ct->name); return id; } /* Intern a type element. */ CTypeID lj_ctype_intern(CTState *cts, CTInfo info, CTSize size) { uint32_t h = ct_hashtype(info, size); CTypeID id = cts->hash[h]; lua_assert(cts->L); while (id) { CType *ct = ctype_get(cts, id); if (ct->info == info && ct->size == size) return id; id = ct->next; } id = cts->top; if (LJ_UNLIKELY(id >= cts->sizetab)) { if (id >= CTID_MAX) lj_err_msg(cts->L, LJ_ERR_TABOV); lj_mem_growvec(cts->L, cts->tab, cts->sizetab, CTID_MAX, CType); } cts->top = id+1; cts->tab[id].info = info; cts->tab[id].size = size; cts->tab[id].sib = 0; cts->tab[id].next = cts->hash[h]; setgcrefnull(cts->tab[id].name); cts->hash[h] = (CTypeID1)id; return id; } /* Add type element to hash table. */ static void ctype_addtype(CTState *cts, CType *ct, CTypeID id) { uint32_t h = ct_hashtype(ct->info, ct->size); ct->next = cts->hash[h]; cts->hash[h] = (CTypeID1)id; } /* Add named element to hash table. */ void lj_ctype_addname(CTState *cts, CType *ct, CTypeID id) { uint32_t h = ct_hashname(gcref(ct->name)); ct->next = cts->hash[h]; cts->hash[h] = (CTypeID1)id; } /* Get a C type by name, matching the type mask. */ CTypeID lj_ctype_getname(CTState *cts, CType **ctp, GCstr *name, uint32_t tmask) { CTypeID id = cts->hash[ct_hashname(name)]; while (id) { CType *ct = ctype_get(cts, id); if (gcref(ct->name) == obj2gco(name) && ((tmask >> ctype_type(ct->info)) & 1)) { *ctp = ct; return id; } id = ct->next; } *ctp = &cts->tab[0]; /* Simplify caller logic. ctype_get() would assert. */ return 0; } /* Get a struct/union/enum/function field by name. */ CType *lj_ctype_getfieldq(CTState *cts, CType *ct, GCstr *name, CTSize *ofs, CTInfo *qual) { while (ct->sib) { ct = ctype_get(cts, ct->sib); if (gcref(ct->name) == obj2gco(name)) { *ofs = ct->size; return ct; } if (ctype_isxattrib(ct->info, CTA_SUBTYPE)) { CType *fct, *cct = ctype_child(cts, ct); CTInfo q = 0; while (ctype_isattrib(cct->info)) { if (ctype_attrib(cct->info) == CTA_QUAL) q |= cct->size; cct = ctype_child(cts, cct); } fct = lj_ctype_getfieldq(cts, cct, name, ofs, qual); if (fct) { if (qual) *qual |= q; *ofs += ct->size; return fct; } } } return NULL; /* Not found. */ } /* -- C type information -------------------------------------------------- */ /* Follow references and get raw type for a C type ID. */ CType *lj_ctype_rawref(CTState *cts, CTypeID id) { CType *ct = ctype_get(cts, id); while (ctype_isattrib(ct->info) || ctype_isref(ct->info)) ct = ctype_child(cts, ct); return ct; } /* Get size for a C type ID. Does NOT support VLA/VLS. */ CTSize lj_ctype_size(CTState *cts, CTypeID id) { CType *ct = ctype_raw(cts, id); return ctype_hassize(ct->info) ? ct->size : CTSIZE_INVALID; } /* Get size for a variable-length C type. Does NOT support other C types. */ CTSize lj_ctype_vlsize(CTState *cts, CType *ct, CTSize nelem) { uint64_t xsz = 0; if (ctype_isstruct(ct->info)) { CTypeID arrid = 0, fid = ct->sib; xsz = ct->size; /* Add the struct size. */ while (fid) { CType *ctf = ctype_get(cts, fid); if (ctype_type(ctf->info) == CT_FIELD) arrid = ctype_cid(ctf->info); /* Remember last field of VLS. */ fid = ctf->sib; } ct = ctype_raw(cts, arrid); } lua_assert(ctype_isvlarray(ct->info)); /* Must be a VLA. */ ct = ctype_rawchild(cts, ct); /* Get array element. */ lua_assert(ctype_hassize(ct->info)); /* Calculate actual size of VLA and check for overflow. */ xsz += (uint64_t)ct->size * nelem; return xsz < 0x80000000u ? (CTSize)xsz : CTSIZE_INVALID; } /* Get type, qualifiers, size and alignment for a C type ID. */ CTInfo lj_ctype_info(CTState *cts, CTypeID id, CTSize *szp) { CTInfo qual = 0; CType *ct = ctype_get(cts, id); for (;;) { CTInfo info = ct->info; if (ctype_isenum(info)) { /* Follow child. Need to look at its attributes, too. */ } else if (ctype_isattrib(info)) { if (ctype_isxattrib(info, CTA_QUAL)) qual |= ct->size; else if (ctype_isxattrib(info, CTA_ALIGN) && !(qual & CTFP_ALIGNED)) qual |= CTFP_ALIGNED + CTALIGN(ct->size); } else { if (!(qual & CTFP_ALIGNED)) qual |= (info & CTF_ALIGN); qual |= (info & ~(CTF_ALIGN|CTMASK_CID)); lua_assert(ctype_hassize(info) || ctype_isfunc(info)); *szp = ctype_isfunc(info) ? CTSIZE_INVALID : ct->size; break; } ct = ctype_get(cts, ctype_cid(info)); } return qual; } /* Get ctype metamethod. */ cTValue *lj_ctype_meta(CTState *cts, CTypeID id, MMS mm) { CType *ct = ctype_get(cts, id); cTValue *tv; while (ctype_isattrib(ct->info) || ctype_isref(ct->info)) { id = ctype_cid(ct->info); ct = ctype_get(cts, id); } if (ctype_isptr(ct->info) && ctype_isfunc(ctype_get(cts, ctype_cid(ct->info))->info)) tv = lj_tab_getstr(cts->miscmap, &cts->g->strempty); else tv = lj_tab_getinth(cts->miscmap, -(int32_t)id); if (tv && tvistab(tv) && (tv = lj_tab_getstr(tabV(tv), mmname_str(cts->g, mm))) && !tvisnil(tv)) return tv; return NULL; } /* -- C type representation ----------------------------------------------- */ /* Fixed max. length of a C type representation. */ #define CTREPR_MAX 512 typedef struct CTRepr { char *pb, *pe; CTState *cts; lua_State *L; int needsp; int ok; char buf[CTREPR_MAX]; } CTRepr; /* Prepend string. */ static void ctype_prepstr(CTRepr *ctr, const char *str, MSize len) { char *p = ctr->pb; if (ctr->buf + len+1 > p) { ctr->ok = 0; return; } if (ctr->needsp) *--p = ' '; ctr->needsp = 1; p -= len; while (len-- > 0) p[len] = str[len]; ctr->pb = p; } #define ctype_preplit(ctr, str) ctype_prepstr((ctr), "" str, sizeof(str)-1) /* Prepend char. */ static void ctype_prepc(CTRepr *ctr, int c) { if (ctr->buf >= ctr->pb) { ctr->ok = 0; return; } *--ctr->pb = c; } /* Prepend number. */ static void ctype_prepnum(CTRepr *ctr, uint32_t n) { char *p = ctr->pb; if (ctr->buf + 10+1 > p) { ctr->ok = 0; return; } do { *--p = (char)('0' + n % 10); } while (n /= 10); ctr->pb = p; ctr->needsp = 0; } /* Append char. */ static void ctype_appc(CTRepr *ctr, int c) { if (ctr->pe >= ctr->buf + CTREPR_MAX) { ctr->ok = 0; return; } *ctr->pe++ = c; } /* Append number. */ static void ctype_appnum(CTRepr *ctr, uint32_t n) { char buf[10]; char *p = buf+sizeof(buf); char *q = ctr->pe; if (q > ctr->buf + CTREPR_MAX - 10) { ctr->ok = 0; return; } do { *--p = (char)('0' + n % 10); } while (n /= 10); do { *q++ = *p++; } while (p < buf+sizeof(buf)); ctr->pe = q; } /* Prepend qualifiers. */ static void ctype_prepqual(CTRepr *ctr, CTInfo info) { if ((info & CTF_VOLATILE)) ctype_preplit(ctr, "volatile"); if ((info & CTF_CONST)) ctype_preplit(ctr, "const"); } /* Prepend named type. */ static void ctype_preptype(CTRepr *ctr, CType *ct, CTInfo qual, const char *t) { if (gcref(ct->name)) { GCstr *str = gco2str(gcref(ct->name)); ctype_prepstr(ctr, strdata(str), str->len); } else { if (ctr->needsp) ctype_prepc(ctr, ' '); ctype_prepnum(ctr, ctype_typeid(ctr->cts, ct)); ctr->needsp = 1; } ctype_prepstr(ctr, t, (MSize)strlen(t)); ctype_prepqual(ctr, qual); } static void ctype_repr(CTRepr *ctr, CTypeID id) { CType *ct = ctype_get(ctr->cts, id); CTInfo qual = 0; int ptrto = 0; for (;;) { CTInfo info = ct->info; CTSize size = ct->size; switch (ctype_type(info)) { case CT_NUM: if ((info & CTF_BOOL)) { ctype_preplit(ctr, "bool"); } else if ((info & CTF_FP)) { if (size == sizeof(double)) ctype_preplit(ctr, "double"); else if (size == sizeof(float)) ctype_preplit(ctr, "float"); else ctype_preplit(ctr, "long double"); } else if (size == 1) { if (!((info ^ CTF_UCHAR) & CTF_UNSIGNED)) ctype_preplit(ctr, "char"); else if (CTF_UCHAR) ctype_preplit(ctr, "signed char"); else ctype_preplit(ctr, "unsigned char"); } else if (size < 8) { if (size == 4) ctype_preplit(ctr, "int"); else ctype_preplit(ctr, "short"); if ((info & CTF_UNSIGNED)) ctype_preplit(ctr, "unsigned"); } else { ctype_preplit(ctr, "_t"); ctype_prepnum(ctr, size*8); ctype_preplit(ctr, "int"); if ((info & CTF_UNSIGNED)) ctype_prepc(ctr, 'u'); } ctype_prepqual(ctr, (qual|info)); return; case CT_VOID: ctype_preplit(ctr, "void"); ctype_prepqual(ctr, (qual|info)); return; case CT_STRUCT: ctype_preptype(ctr, ct, qual, (info & CTF_UNION) ? "union" : "struct"); return; case CT_ENUM: if (id == CTID_CTYPEID) { ctype_preplit(ctr, "ctype"); return; } ctype_preptype(ctr, ct, qual, "enum"); return; case CT_ATTRIB: if (ctype_attrib(info) == CTA_QUAL) qual |= size; break; case CT_PTR: if ((info & CTF_REF)) { ctype_prepc(ctr, '&'); } else { ctype_prepqual(ctr, (qual|info)); if (LJ_64 && size == 4) ctype_preplit(ctr, "__ptr32"); ctype_prepc(ctr, '*'); } qual = 0; ptrto = 1; ctr->needsp = 1; break; case CT_ARRAY: if (ctype_isrefarray(info)) { ctr->needsp = 1; if (ptrto) { ptrto = 0; ctype_prepc(ctr, '('); ctype_appc(ctr, ')'); } ctype_appc(ctr, '['); if (size != CTSIZE_INVALID) { CTSize csize = ctype_child(ctr->cts, ct)->size; ctype_appnum(ctr, csize ? size/csize : 0); } else if ((info & CTF_VLA)) { ctype_appc(ctr, '?'); } ctype_appc(ctr, ']'); } else if ((info & CTF_COMPLEX)) { if (size == 2*sizeof(float)) ctype_preplit(ctr, "float"); ctype_preplit(ctr, "complex"); return; } else { ctype_preplit(ctr, ")))"); ctype_prepnum(ctr, size); ctype_preplit(ctr, "__attribute__((vector_size("); } break; case CT_FUNC: ctr->needsp = 1; if (ptrto) { ptrto = 0; ctype_prepc(ctr, '('); ctype_appc(ctr, ')'); } ctype_appc(ctr, '('); ctype_appc(ctr, ')'); break; default: lua_assert(0); break; } ct = ctype_get(ctr->cts, ctype_cid(info)); } } /* Return a printable representation of a C type. */ GCstr *lj_ctype_repr(lua_State *L, CTypeID id, GCstr *name) { global_State *g = G(L); CTRepr ctr; ctr.pb = ctr.pe = &ctr.buf[CTREPR_MAX/2]; ctr.cts = ctype_ctsG(g); ctr.L = L; ctr.ok = 1; ctr.needsp = 0; if (name) ctype_prepstr(&ctr, strdata(name), name->len); ctype_repr(&ctr, id); if (LJ_UNLIKELY(!ctr.ok)) return lj_str_newlit(L, "?"); return lj_str_new(L, ctr.pb, ctr.pe - ctr.pb); } /* Convert int64_t/uint64_t to string with 'LL' or 'ULL' suffix. */ GCstr *lj_ctype_repr_int64(lua_State *L, uint64_t n, int isunsigned) { char buf[1+20+3]; char *p = buf+sizeof(buf); int sign = 0; *--p = 'L'; *--p = 'L'; if (isunsigned) { *--p = 'U'; } else if ((int64_t)n < 0) { n = (uint64_t)-(int64_t)n; sign = 1; } do { *--p = (char)('0' + n % 10); } while (n /= 10); if (sign) *--p = '-'; return lj_str_new(L, p, (size_t)(buf+sizeof(buf)-p)); } /* Convert complex to string with 'i' or 'I' suffix. */ GCstr *lj_ctype_repr_complex(lua_State *L, void *sp, CTSize size) { SBuf *sb = lj_buf_tmp_(L); TValue re, im; if (size == 2*sizeof(double)) { re.n = *(double *)sp; im.n = ((double *)sp)[1]; } else { re.n = (double)*(float *)sp; im.n = (double)((float *)sp)[1]; } lj_strfmt_putfnum(sb, STRFMT_G14, re.n); if (!(im.u32.hi & 0x80000000u) || im.n != im.n) lj_buf_putchar(sb, '+'); lj_strfmt_putfnum(sb, STRFMT_G14, im.n); lj_buf_putchar(sb, sbufP(sb)[-1] >= 'a' ? 'I' : 'i'); return lj_buf_str(L, sb); } /* -- C type state -------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Initialize C type table and state. */ CTState *lj_ctype_init(lua_State *L) { CTState *cts = lj_mem_newt(L, sizeof(CTState), CTState); CType *ct = lj_mem_newvec(L, CTTYPETAB_MIN, CType); const char *name = lj_ctype_typenames; CTypeID id; memset(cts, 0, sizeof(CTState)); cts->tab = ct; cts->sizetab = CTTYPETAB_MIN; cts->top = CTTYPEINFO_NUM; cts->L = NULL; cts->g = G(L); for (id = 0; id < CTTYPEINFO_NUM; id++, ct++) { CTInfo info = lj_ctype_typeinfo[id]; ct->size = (CTSize)((int32_t)(info << 16) >> 26); ct->info = info & 0xffff03ffu; ct->sib = 0; if (ctype_type(info) == CT_KW || ctype_istypedef(info)) { size_t len = strlen(name); GCstr *str = lj_str_new(L, name, len); ctype_setname(ct, str); name += len+1; lj_ctype_addname(cts, ct, id); } else { setgcrefnull(ct->name); ct->next = 0; if (!ctype_isenum(info)) ctype_addtype(cts, ct, id); } } setmref(G(L)->ctype_state, cts); return cts; } /* Free C type table and state. */ void lj_ctype_freestate(global_State *g) { CTState *cts = ctype_ctsG(g); if (cts) { lj_ccallback_mcode_free(cts); lj_mem_freevec(g, cts->tab, cts->sizetab, CType); lj_mem_freevec(g, cts->cb.cbid, cts->cb.sizeid, CTypeID1); lj_mem_freet(g, cts); } } #endif