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number'for' step must be a numberno calling environmentattempt to yield across C-call boundarybad light userdata pointerbad action while in __gc metamethodassertion failed!cannot change a protected metatabletoo many results to unpackreader function must return a string'tostring' must return a string to 'print'index out of rangebase out of rangelevel out of rangeinvalid levelinvalid optioninvalid option '%s'invalid format'setfenv' cannot change environment of given objectcannot resume running coroutinecannot resume dead coroutinecannot resume non-suspended coroutinewrong number of arguments to 'insert'invalid value (%s) at index %d in table for 'concat'invalid order function for sortingattempt to use a closed filestandard file is closedunable to generate a unique filenamefield '%s' missing in date tableunable to dump given functionstring slice too longmissing '[' after '%f' in patterninvalid pattern capturemalformed pattern (ends with '%')malformed pattern (missing ']')unbalanced patternpattern too complexinvalid capture indextoo many capturesunfinished captureinvalid option '%%%c' to 'format'invalid format (repeated flags)invalid format (width or precision too long)invalid replacement value (a %s)name conflict for module '%s'runtime code generation failed, restricted kernel?JIT compiler disabled, CPU does not support SSE2unknown or malformed optimization flag '%s'attempt to load chunk with wrong mode%s near '%s'lexical element too longchunk has too many lineschunk has too many syntax levelsmalformed numberunfinished long stringunfinished long commentunfinished stringinvalid escape sequenceinvalid long string delimiter'%s' expectedcontrol structure too longfunction or expression too complexchunk has more than %d local variablesmain function has more than %d %sfunction at line %d has more than %d %s'%s' expected (to close '%s' at line %d)function too long for return fixup or '...' expectedambiguous syntax (function call x new statement)function arguments expectedunexpected symbolcannot use '...' outside a vararg functionsyntax error'=' or 'in' expectedno loop to breakundefined label '%s'duplicate label '%s' jumps into the scope of local '%s'cannot load incompatible bytecodecannot load malformed bytecodeinvalid C typesize of C type is unknown or too largebad storage classdeclaration specifier expectedundeclared or implicit tag '%s'attempt to redefine '%s'wrong number of type parameterstoo many initializers for '%s'cannot convert '%s' to '%s'attempt to get length of '%s'attempt to concatenate '%s' and '%s'attempt to perform arithmetic on '%s' and '%s'attempt to compare '%s' with '%s''%s' is not callablewrong number of arguments for function call'%s' has no member named '%s''%s' cannot be indexed'%s' cannot be indexed with '%s''%s' has no '%s' metamethodattempt to write to constant locationmissing declaration for symbol '%s'bad callbacktoo many callbacksNYI: packed bit fieldsNYI: cannot call this C function (yet)%s:%d: %s?GCC: (GNU) 4.8.5 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